Friday, 3 November 2017

OOTD: Friend's Birthday Trip To Cream's

 Hey everyone!

So with it being my friend's birthday, we went to Cream's on a little dessert trip!
I wanted to get a little bit dressed up but not too over the top, but seeing as it was her birthday.
You can't see it on the photo, but I accessorised the outfit with a little Mickey necklace from my boyfriend but it's very small that the camera didn't pick it up.
I quite liked the outfit for the occasion, it's dressy but without being too much.
I love cold shouldered tops so my grey top is super comfy and I needed the long sleeves because it was cold!
I really like the pattern on the jeans and wanted to wear them as they are a bit different to standard jeans.
My small handbag was bought from a charity shop in Bangor a couple of years ago.
As for my boots, they are my brown pair of boots from M&S. I bought a black pair this year too and they are really good to wear either dressy at night time or casual during the day and comfy enough for me!

Top: New Look
Jeans: Sainsburys
Boots: M&S
Bag: Charity shop

And if you're wondering what I ate:
I went for the Chuckle Berry sundae which was absolutely gorgeous! Deffo a good treat! It had vanilla ice cream mixed with strawberries and strawberry and raspberry gelato and also the Cream's wafer. I recommend.

Thank you for reading,
Claire xxx

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