Monday, 8 January 2018

Never Give Up Quotes Book (And Why Quotes Books Can Help)


I hope you're all well.

For the past few years, whilst life has gotten a little bit more hectic and conflicting, I've found a lot of comfort and hope with quotes. They can be very uplifting and relatable to me sometimes and I feel like they can really boost you.

One of my close friends kindly gifted me a book titled 'Never Give Up' which is basically a small book with a lot of different quotes that are intended to motivate and boost hope and improve wellbeing. As I mentioned, being someone who has taken a lot of comfort in quotes, I really like to find new ones and try and put them into practice in areas of my life when they are needed.

That's why I find this book very interesting and useful because it brings you a new set of quotes and new words to stand by.

I feel like if there's anyone out there who does struggle with life and trouble keeping faith, maybe books like this could provide some help? Obviously they depend on the person, but I feel like light reading like this can definitely bring in some light and hope when it seems like there isn't.

Please have a look on Amazon to see what you can find as there are all kinds of different books catered with quotes.

Claire xxx

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